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On-Premise Email Archiving

On premise email archiving allows you to archive your emails on your own premises so that data is kept in-house. On premise archiving is particularly beneficial for regulated organisations, providing them with a fully searchable database of emails. An on premise email archiving appliance is also popular with businesses with

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1 min read

Cryoserver for Managed Service Providers (MSP)

Workplaces are relying more than ever on email for their internal and external communication, meaning there is a growing need for service providers to enable business continuity through email backup. Increased mobility in the workplace means that many organisations now host their email in the cloud, which presents an opportunity

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Cryoserver Cloud Email Archiving

If you’d rather not manage an on-premises archive, we offer you Cryoserver Cloud, a cloud-based service, where we manage the environment completely in secure data centres. This is a pay-as-you-go subscription-based service.

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