Email Storage That Never Runs Out
Cryoserver stores every email sent and received by your organisation. It’s independent from your mail server, so you can safely clear space on your server. Any data you delete is securely backed up and accessible. Safe, and compliant with regulations, Cryoserver does everything you need an email storage solution to do.
Email Retention
A Storage Solution for Growing Email Volumes
Every day, the average email user’s account inbox grows by a minimum of 12MB. That works out to ~3GB per person every year. This growth in emails being sent is unsustainable for current storage solutions.
Organisations are struggling with the huge amount of email data clogging up their servers. They’re trying to combat this, either by archiving mail off into troublesome PST files or by simply deleting old emails. Unfortunately, with regulations such as GDPR, you can’t just bin old emails to free up space. By law, they must be stored securely and compliantly. Our email archiving software solutions do this for you, saving you time, money and hassle along the way.
- GDPR Compliant Archive
- Scale Tested
How can Cryoserver help?
Cryoserver solutions will deduplicate, single instance and compress and encrypt every email for peak efficiency, storage and security. This saves your organisation the overall storage consumed for the preservation of your business critical information.
High Return on Investment
Our solution retains a complete archive of every mailbox in an organisation, yet we only license per ACTIVE user. This allows a much more cost-effective format. Routine maintenance runs 50% quicker whilst storage is reduced by up to 75%, leading to significant returns on investment for the organisation.
Reduced Data Stores
We ingest data from all sources, including PSTs, then compress it and deduplicate any identical copies. This removes the pain of searching multiple locations and leads to massive reductions in storage. The use of stubbing removes large email attachments, replacing them with a hyperlink, again helping lead to 50–75% storage savings.
Cloud Storage
As many organisations migrate their business to the cloud, they may choose to manage their email on the cloud as well. Although this allows very large mailboxes, it can seriously hinder searching and slow response times down. There is also the expensive issue of licensing, as every active mailbox requires a license – past, present and temporary, meaning costs quickly rise.
Innovative Email Storage and Search
Most systems use a database to store email. Cryoserver stores files by date, which makes searches quicker for you as more concise datasets are searched. This is important for your business – you never know when someone might request information from an email sent a long time ago, and a quick, full-text search ensures your compliance. The search interface makes full company searches up to 80% quicker, allowing the solution to scale far beyond the requirements of your organisation.
- Millisecond Searches
- Tamper Evident Archive
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Cryoserver save space?
Emails are journaled into Cryoserver from your mail server of Microsoft/Office 365. The journal copy presented to Cryoserver contains a full list of the recipients of the email from the original email. Suppose this email was 4MB, and there were 10 internal recipients. All 10 are listed in the outer journal wrapper. Cryoserver processes this single journal 4MB email into the archive, indexing and storing with the email all the recipients (delivered to) addresses. Our solution will compress the email by 30–40%, making it ~2.4MB, i.e. the email will be 60% of the original size of the email, thereby saving space. In this example of 10 recipients, only one copy of the email resides in the archive, but for the users there are 10 copies. If you have 1 copy in each mailbox, i.e. 10 copies of the email on Exchange or Microsoft/Office 365, they would take up ~40MB of space. So, for a single email, you can see a 94% reduction in consumed disk space.
On average how much space can Cryoserver save?
Looking at customer archives over the past ~20 years, we have seen consistent patterns. For government clients we tend to see ~50% storage reductions from the journal feed presented. We suspect this is due to more text-based files being distributed around these organisations. For commercial businesses we typically see reductions in storage of 30–40% as the emails often contain a mixture of file attachments with varying compression abilities. When run alongside the previous question, about how Cryoserver saves space, we can see ~80% storage reductions for email, and more if retention is enabled on the mail server.
Can Email Archiving help with managing large attachments?
Cryoserver can help in a big way. You might have users who like to send large file attachments with their emails. You might find these users reach mailbox limits frequently and will naturally request an increase in capacity for their mailboxes to be able to continue to send and receive emails. Instead, by using Cryoserver and its Stubbing Module, we can remove the large file attachment(s) from the email residing in their mailbox as well as on Exchange, and replace the attachments with secure Cryolinks to the original attachments residing in the secure archive. As an example, you might have an email which is 4MB originally and with Cryoserver replacing the attachments with links, the email reduces in size down to ~15KB: the email in the mailbox is 273x smaller than it was before. The knock-on benefit is this mailbox can go for longer periods, possibly indefinitely, without a storage capacity increase. You may find you can reduce the storage allocated to these users, freeing up premium disk space allocated to Exchange.
Won’t I need double the amount of storage if I am keeping emails in an archive as well as on my mailserver?
It’s often the opposite case, when you take into account that Cryoserver compresses your email by 30–50%, keeping only a single copy. Then, if you keep a rolling period of data, for example 1 year instead of 20 years, in users’ mailboxes and encourage them to look for older email in the archive, there will be far less storage consumed overall.
Our customers have seen huge returns on investment by using Cryoserver. For example, prior to implementing our solution, one was spending ~$US 200k per annum on additional storage for their Exchange infrastructure to keep up with storage growth. With Cryoserver and our Stubbing Module, the customer has been able to claim back this expensive storage and repurposed over $US 500k worth of premium storage. At the same time, they have saved themselves having to purchase $US 200k worth of new storage year on year.
Does Cryoserver increase in price depending on the storage?
No, Cryoserver software pricing is not based on storage. Our cloud offerings are based on an annual subscription which includes projected storage to preserve those emails for a 7-year retention period. Longer retention periods may incur additional storage costs dependent on normal volumes. Also, excessive consumption on our cloud platforms may incur additional storage costs.