Red Customer Story
Red are a multi-national SAP solutions provider. They have a team of in-house IT experts with high standards when it comes to their technical solutions.
Red have used Cryoserver for a number of years. In that time, Cryoserver have been able to supply different delivery methods to fit Red’s needs as and when they change; seeing them use cloud email archiving, appliance and software at different times.
Luke Braham, IT manager, told us about their move to the cloud:
Email Archiving Requirements
Red Commerce decided to move as much of their IT into the cloud as possible. Like many other Cryoserver customers they thought Cryoserver would be a good way to make this move quickly and securely. “We were pushing everything to the cloud, it made sense to have email archiving in the cloud too, why have it in house?”
Problems & Solutions
1. A need for improved functionality in Office 365
Office 365 required some enhancement in order to meet Red Commerce’s high standards.
Cryoserver acts as the perfect partner to Office 365. Cryoserver’s email archive specialism allows it to enhance functionality in Office 365 to make for the best email archive the cloud has to offer. “Office365 search feature isn’t great, what we did like about Cryoserver is the ability to search any email from any time from any person in a matter of seconds.”
As in any IT department, Luke had to take his bid for Cryoserver to the management if he wanted to enhance his email services: “Cryoserver makes for quite an easy argument to give the CIO as to why we should use the solution.”
2. On-premise email archiving
“I think one of the reasons we had on-premise email archiving before was so that we had a physical copy we could take with us if we decided to shift provider. By having it on-premise we could physically pick up the archive and take it with us. The bulk of our email was in the cloud anyway, so we didn’t want physical tin on-premise anymore.”
Luke was happy to outsource his archive maintenance: “By paying for SaaS we don’t have to worry about something that could break, Cryoserver do. Cryoserver and Office 365 work well together.” Throughout the different iterations of Cryoserver Red have found that the service itself has never faltered. “Generally Cryoserver is the same in the cloud as it was when it was an appliance.”
3. Leavers’ email becomes hard to find
As people leave an organisation it’s important that your business doesn’t lose track of their projects. When projects are handed over it’s critical to provide the new lead with all relevant information – especially email.
“Archived mail is one of the primary reasons we use Cryoserver. When users leave we can almost instantly delete their mailbox thus freeing up licences/space.”
Cryoserver’s email archiving software has not only helped Red Commerce to free up storage as people leave their organisation, but also allowed them to gain quick and easy access to those archived messages.
“The search engine for Cryoserver is much better than Microsoft’s delegated mailbox access to search. Paying per active user is certainly the correct pricing model for the service.”

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