The SLH Group Customer Story
Sep 25, 2024

The SLH Group Customer Story

South Liverpool Homes is a housing association with around 100 staff managing 3,700 homes, with new homes being built all the time. The organisation has strong core business values, which makes Cryoserver’s tamper-evident trail of email communications evidence particularly useful.

We spoke to David Chatterton, ICT Infrastructure Specialist:

How does your organisation use Cryoserver?

We have a lot of issues monitoring calls in the contact centre and tracking emails. We use Cryoserver for communication between tenants and staff. This is a great way for us to cover ourselves if communications go missing. So we know we can always pull it back as evidence to settle any disputes or confusion. In short Cryoserver allows us a reliable backup.

How do you use Cryoserver?

This morning I was running a backup on our Exchange server, I used Cryoserver to check on why the Exchange server was so full and who the
main offenders were. That meant that I could contact those people clogging the Exchange server easily and explain to them exactly what they could do to help us out. Our use of Cryoserver is twofold, partly as a backup of communications between tenants and staff, but also for storage reasons as an email archive.

What’s your favourite thing about Cryoserver?

There are a few features I find myself using a lot. The audit trail is particularly useful and lends itself to being used to monitor key word searches. It allows us to manage our staff fairly. Something else I find useful is the processed mail breakdown, reported daily. It tells us the daily email traffic which is really useful. It’s a really good overview to quickly look at as it comes into your inbox.

Would you recommend Cryoserver?

I regularly recommend Cryoserver to other housing associations. Every time someone mentions email archiving, Cryoserver comes out on top hands down. The recommendation is 60/40 support and product. As soon as we get an error message from Cryoserver we phone the support staff who immediately log on, there and then, and fix the problem. Not only do they fix the problem but they make recommendations at the end of it: “Such and such is running out of disk space, do you know what you could be doing to remedy it?”.